So I finally decided it's time for an intervention against my Imperial Trellis addiction, and put it to bed. What other better ways to do so but to actually own some fab cushions/pillows like these? Although a $200 bill was a bit much to chew down, I am sure they are so worth it especially I will never grow tired looking at them (or so I think now).
Here is the cushion/pillow made of Imperial Trellis in Parchment/Midnight.
From another angle.
Here are the impeccable twins now sitting on my "Sarah Richardson-alike" couch.
Unlike most of the Imperial Trellis cushions/pillows that only have the fabric on one side (the other side is usually in solid tone none-Trellis fabric), these ones have Imperial Trellis fabric on both sides. So down the road if I am really desparate to grow my IT collections, I could split them into four cushions/pillows (crazy talk I know).
Enough excitement for me in one day. Bye for now.