Isn't that the fun of being a self-proclaimed domestic diva? :-)
I am so glad that things finally taper off a bit at work this week. I've been able to work out of the comfort of my home office without having to spend the majority of the week in between airports/cities. We've also started to plan our London UK vacation this exciting.
Home front, I was able to squeeze in a few small projects during lunch breaks and in the evening after dinner. Here are some pictures:
I am so glad that things finally taper off a bit at work this week. I've been able to work out of the comfort of my home office without having to spend the majority of the week in between airports/cities. We've also started to plan our London UK vacation this exciting.
Home front, I was able to squeeze in a few small projects during lunch breaks and in the evening after dinner. Here are some pictures:
Upper hall is now painted in Benjamin Moore's Revere Pewter HC-172. We are going to leave it to a professional to paint the rest of the open-to-the-above foyer that's almost 20 feet high. This is the upper hall with the light on. I need to have my camera checked as the color tone turned out a bit surreal lately (hint to the hubby that's reading the blog: perhaps I can take a better digital cam as whatever-I-make-up celebration of ours? :-)).
This is a picture of the upper hall with the lights off. It doesn't have that warm ambiance I was looking for, but the lighting was just right and it most truly represents the paint color. 
This is my precious gold-leaf bombe chest now with the new paint color as the backdrop.
And these are those DIY headers I was bragging about on my last week's blog. The most painful part was to remove the existing door casing, cut off two triangle pieces from the top corners to create a flat surface for the backband moulding to sit on.
Remember that dining room wall I kept changing my mind on what to put on, and that yellow color that I so didn't fancy? Guess what? Surprise surprise, I changed both! The dining room is now also in Revere Pewter, and I added two of these candle sconces from Bowring. The wall is by far the most challenging part to decorate in the house: it is off-center from the dining table and hard to achieve a symmetrical feel entering the room. Hopefully these two sconces will define that balance on the wall. I am still not sure what to put in between the lights, if anything at all, so any suggestion is welcome.